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Windoze XP?

Kyle  writes:
| Here's an interesting link,

Yeah; he makes some good points.

Something I've wondered about:  There have been numerous  reports  of
the  apparent  fact  that  MS  (or  other  knowledgeable parties) can
download anything from a Windows disk if you  are  connected  to  the
Net.  Is this still true? Can we document the extent to which this is
possible? If so, we oughta be making a fuss over it.  A few instances
of  outsiders downloading a company's sensitive data could turn a lot
of heads.

I saw recently that the user license that comes  with  Windows  still
seems  to  say that by running their software, you give Microsoft the
right to do anything they want with any file  on  your  disk.   You'd
think this sort of clause would upset corporate lawyers.

OTOH, the DMCA makes it a felony to publicly describe a  bug  in  any
software that you buy. You'd think that corporate lawyers would be up
in arms over this, wouldn't you?  I wonder why they aren't  making  a
fuss over it?

(And on the third hand, the SSSCA will soon outlaw  installing  linux
on a PC, so the game will be over.  ;-)

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