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What do bios batteries look like?

I have an old AST/Premmia GX P/90 that a guy donated to me to use as a simple 
server at home.  But sometimes when I turn it on I get a message about not 
being able to detect hard drive format.  Several folks have suggested that it 
could be a dead bios battery.  Ok, so I'll try replacing that.

Somebody want to help me figure out where it is?  I have been assuming that 
I'm looking for a watchbattery type of thing, tiny disc shape.  Instead, all 
I've found that looks like a battery is a big black block that looks like 3 
AA's electrical taped together.  Also, that block just says "Alkaline 
battery", and checking the AST site tells me that I want a lithium battery.  
The AST site does a good job of telling me what kind of battery I need, but it 
doesn't say anything about where I'm supposed to find the thing.

Anybody know where I'm supposed to look?  This machine's destined to be my 
main Redhat machine (so that I can have the freedom to dual boot my other 
machine without losing email).


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