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crontab vs. links in /etc/cron.hourly (etc.)

Sorry, I missed something, or this doesn't apply to RedHat 7.1. 

There's nothing about run-parts in `man cron`, and there is no `man run-parts`. (One of the great things I recall about Debian was they had manpages for EVERYTHING :)

Here is the filename though:
[root at tower15 /root]# ls -l /root/cronjobs/
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          793 Jun  3 13:54 /root/cronjobs/


-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Pennace [mailto:alex at]
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 10:58 PM
To: Scott Prive
Subject: Re: crontab vs. links in /etc/cron.hourly (etc.)

On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 06:10:40PM -0400, Scott Prive wrote:
> Hello,
> Could someone tell me why, if I create a crontab entry for my script (or run it manually), it will work OK... but it will not run properly if called via a symlink in /etc/cron.hourly.

Check the man page for "run-parts" on your system. Although symlinks
doesn't faze the Debian run-parts program, it does put constraints on
possible filenames.

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