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wireless interoperability

They all should work together just fine.  There are some naming
conventions to think about.... 

like SSID == Network Name

Some do the encryption key in hex and some do it in decimal form.

You should be able to make em all work nicely together with some
thought, a manual, and a hex calculator thing.

On Tue, 2002-06-18 at 22:59, Ron Peterson wrote:
> Does anyone have any specific experience getting various brands of
> wireless gear to interoperate?  Or know of any on-line compatability
> matrixes?
> Why, after the IEEE goes through the trouble of articulating standards,
> must we suffer vendor incompatibilities?  They wouldn't dare do this
> intentionally, would they?  What a cynical bastard I must be to suggest
> such a thing.
> -- 
> Ron Peterson                   -o)
> 87 Taylor Street               /\\
> Granby, MA  01033             _\_v
>   ---- 
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