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Mandrake on Walmart PCs

That would be a basis for my rejecting it as a good distro. 
(Preaching to the choir):
A person should NEVER on any OS run as the priviledged user for normal 
operations. Always use a personal regular priv account, and become 
supewruser when need to. In Unix/Linux - su, sux, sudo et. al. VMS had 
similar ways. 

The problem when moving Windows 9x users (especially those who never set up 
a profile on Windows) is they really do not know the difference between a 
system admin account and a regular user account.
On 20 Jun 2002 at 7:23, Cole Tuininga wrote:

> I have to admit, a couple things about how Lindows works has not
> impressed me.  The most notable is that they highly advocate running as
> root all the time.

Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Associate Director
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