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My mailman web interface has disappeared

I think we had a similar occurrence. Shortly after we brought the BLU lists 
over from the old server, I l;ogged in as root to do something in mailman, 
and I trashed the stuff. When doing anything in the mailman directories, 
one should always do it as the mailman user. 

Other than being a bull in a china shop, possibly the apache config file 
got changed. 
On 20 Jun 2002 at 16:35, Bill Horne wrote:

> Thanks for reading this:
> I have a Mailman service set up on my Linux box, for a couple of personal
> lists.
> I tried to use the web interface this morning, and got a 404 error: the
> mailman interface seems to have vanished from the machine.
> The Mailman service itself is running normally.
> I've been using the up2date service to keep the machine current, so I'm
> assuming that a configuration file must have been overwritten. Has anyone
> seen this before?

Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Associate Director
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