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Please point me to a tutorial on asp

On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 08:34:54AM -0400, Chris Tresco wrote:
> I would absolutely recommend php for this and not asp... especially if you
> are already using apache.  Also, depending on how your school stores things
> like social security numbers, you could have it authenticate via those,
> which probably already exist somewhere on the network.

Whoops !  using SS#'s to authenticate a persons ID ?  Please don't.
There are already too many organizations who are using them in 
fairly insecure ways.  

A good article on SS# drawbacks and legalities is here :

Anyone planning on using SS#'s for any purpose should read it
to understand just how much liability (Both financial and
and personal civil liability) they are taking on.

Remember that SS#'s are the only bit of info that might be hard for
an identity thief to get their hands on. 

Trust me, some people are going to scream,(quite rightly), if you try
to make them use SS#'s as a password or identity token.  if you have
the SS#'s around on the system you have to worry about "someone" from
getting onto the system and liberating them.

Issue the students some other ID # if you have to but please lets not
promulgate the mis-use of SS#'s.  Its already too problematic.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: discuss-admin at [mailto:discuss-admin at]On Behalf Of
> Bill Horne
> Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 9:57 PM
> To: BLU Discuss
> Subject: Please point me to a tutorial on asp
> I have a list of the school homeroom assignments for the coming school year,
> and I'd like to put them on my website. However, since some parents are
> skittish about having their kid's name on the Internet, I'm going set this
> up so that whomever is looking for information has to know the child's name
> in advance. In other words, I'm going to use a very basic asp setup to match
> a name input by a parent to an assignment from a flat file.
> Please tell me what tutorial(s) there are that will walk me through this: it
> sounds, at least to my untrained ear, like a very basic web application.
> I already have Apache up and running, and am supplying regular HTML with no
> problem.
> TIA.
> Bill Horne
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