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networking groups, career counselors

Soon after I announced being laid off, someone on this list recommended
WIND Networking.  A friend of mine also gave me the name of a career
counselor that he highly recommended.  I'm thinking of using both these
resources, but I have reservations about the cost -- WIND costs $10 per
meeting, and a career counselor, it seems, charges about $80 per hour.

If we hold our family expenses down, down, down, we can live off my
wife's salary plus my unemployment checks until the unemployment
benefits run out.  So before I sign up for either of these services, I
want to be sure the money will be well spent.  They've obviously been
very good for some people who've used them, but I'm not sure if I'm the
sort of person who would benefit.

Can anyone who's been to a WIND meeting or talked to a career counselor
give me some idea of the benefits -- in particular, what I would get
from them that I wouldn't get from a good headhunter?

"Materialism is definitely more fun when one is rich."  --Philip
// seth gordon // sethg at // //

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