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Worm bait?

> While most affect Windows systems, there are Unix, Linux and Mac worms
> and viruses, and the first worm in 1988 was indeed a Unix worm. 

True. Forgot about all of that. I guess the e-mail flood from Sobig and
such worked well as brain washing ;-). But there are some decent elf
infectors out there if anybody is into building Linux viruses.
Essentially like the early viruses, the code is attaches itself to
arbitrary binaries and is executed whenever the binary is exectued. This
type was very common in the DOS area before they got replaced by boot
sector viruses and later e-mail viruses. I don't exchange much floppies
these days, so I haven't heard about either a boot sector virus in a
couple years. I am sure they are still out there.

But e-mail is a so much faster delivery method.

SANS - Internet Storm Center
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