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Bad timing

I went to shut down my server in preparation for my upgrade this weekend.
It got stuck on stopping eth1 (internal network).  I have absolutely no
idea why.  Left it for several minutes, then there was nothing to do but
power down.  When I brought it back up, it would not boot.

I tried to get it to boot for over an hour.  I could boot off of cd and
mount the drives, but I could not for the life of me get it to boot.  Grub
just wasn't listening to me, and I couldn't look up the secret handshake
because (guess what) my server was down.

So after flailing around for about two hours, I figured fate had forced my
hand into doing the Suse 8.2 install a few days early.  And since I was
installing onto another hard drive, I could always try again later.

It went pretty well, but there are a few problems.  The top two are:

I can't seem to get IMAP working.  I'm trying to use Cyrus instead of
uw-imap, and couldn't find any docs on switching over.  I started the
cyrus service, but I can't get kmail or evolution to authenticate.  Does
anyone have any hints on what Cyrus uses and how to set it up?  I'll try
to look at the docs tomorrow again after some sleep.

Can someone bang against the firewall?  One of the things I was learning
in preparation for the install was iptables (I was suing ipchains), but
didn't get to finish.  I would feel better knowing a persistent but
friendly geek verified it from the outside.


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