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Spam and Pine

Duane Morin wrote:
> I've always been a fan of pine.  As long as I can get an ssh window to
> my home machine, I can get mail.  The major downside to Pine relative to
> the rest of the world is that it's not a POP client.
> So I want to do something about my spam problem.  But everything I look
> at seems to have the same formula -- point your pop client at this spam
> filter which will act as a proxy.
> Is there a good anti-spam solution that works in such a way that
> something like Pine, which periodically moves my mail form
> /var/spool/mail to $HOME/mbox (only while it is open), could use?
> If all else fails, does anybody have a pine-like (i.e. text/console app)
> that works as a POP client?

Well, there are two ways to go...

1. Pine isn't a POP client, but it can be configured to be an IMAP 
client. If you used a proxy that worked on IMAP (don't know of any 
offhand, but they may exist), that would work.

2. If you control the server that Pine and your MTA (sendmail, postfix, 
etc.) is running on, you could run a server-based antispam solution that 
got rid of the spam before it even reaches /var/spool/mail. There is a 
list of such things at

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