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Verizon DSL vs Comcast Cable

I have had comcast cable internet for years, in Michigan, Florida, and now Mass.  It works, I'd definately recommend it over Verizon DSL.  Though, if you want DSL, you may want to check Speakeasy, they're covered locally by Covad I think.  I've had them a couple times too (at work for backup internet, and at home when I lived in CA) and they were great.


On Fri, Feb 20, 2004 at 11:51:11AM -0500, Scott Ehrlich wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Feb 2004 gbburkhardt at wrote:
> > After living in the boonies with a dialup connection after
> > all these years, I finally
> > can get a higher speed Internet connection.
> >
> > So what's the latest scuttlebutt?  Should I get Verizon DSL
> > for $35/month, 320 kbps,
> > or Comcast cable, $42/month, 4 mbps down/384 kbps up?
> >
> > Is one more Linux friendly than the other, or do the both
> > hide behind Microsoft?
> >
> > Thanks.
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> If I an not mistaken, Verizon's DSL uses PPPoE (PPP Over Ethernet) which
> is really not a "full-time" connection and requires additional software to
> work correctly.
> I have used both RCN and Comcast cable-modem service.   Both work
> straight-up.  Any OS you want, as long as it can talk to the Ethernet card
> and obtain an IP address, unless you run a "broadband gateway/router", in
> which case the cable modem can talk to the gateway/router, and you do
> whatever internal networking you want.
> I, personally, have never had a cable-modem problem (Boston area).  I have
> Comcast, and my parents, also in the Boston area, have RCN.   RCN has gone
> down for them at times in the past year or so, but not recently that I was
> told.
> Hope that helps.
> Scott
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