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Linux drive in a Windows box

I had the exact same issue ,  My hard disk had died  and  connecting  
this  hdd to the  system prevented  the  main  ( running) HDD to be 
recognized by the  BIOS. Felt  it was strange.  I found my HDD disks   
was not even  spinning. I  did  Lose some data  on that HDD.
Warren E. Agin wrote:

>My firm's linux webserver recently crashed (really and truly gone - wouldn't
>boot). Matt Vilates was helpful enough to get me through it and gave me the
>useful advice of rebuilding the machine using a new hardrive.
>I have the old harddrive, and software for mounting it on a Windows box so I
>can examine the file system and try to retreive some non-backed-up items. I
>installed the drive as a second drive on another computer and, strangely,
>when I boot up the BIOS won't recognize any of the drives (not even the main
>drive). I am pretty sure I have the cables set up properly.
>Any thoughts.
>-Warren Agin
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Dan Barrett" <nullpointer at>
>To: <discuss at>
>Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 1:17 PM
>Subject: cvs + xinetd setgid problem
>Hash: SHA1
>I'm trying to run a cvs respository on my Gentoo box.  I've got xinetd
>running, with the cvspserver config (/etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver) looking like
>service cvspserver
>        disable         = no
>        socket_type     = stream
>        wait            = no
>        user            = cvs
>        group           = cvs
>        log_type        = FILE /var/log/cvspserver
>        protocol        = tcp
>        env             = HOME=/var/cvsroot
>        log_on_failure  += USERID
>        port            = 2401
>        server          = /usr/bin/cvs
>        server_args     = -f --allow-root=/var/cvsroot pserver
>Nothing special.  Meanwhile, /etc/xinetd.conf looks like this:
>        only_from      = localhost
>        instances      = 60
>        log_type       = SYSLOG authpriv info
>        log_on_success = HOST PID
>        log_on_failure = HOST
>        cps            = 25 30
>Great -- everything is locked down just the way I need it.  I can login just
>fine using `cvs login`, but when I execute any other command (for instance,
>an initial import into the new repository), metalog shows me this:
>[cvs] setgid to 100 failed (Operation not permitted): real 1005/415,
>So cvs is trying to setgid to the "users" group, even though the calling
>(me) has newgrp'ed to the "coders" group:
>uid=500(barretda) gid=411(coders)
>According to /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver, the cvs binary should be running as
>user cvs, group cvs.  What am I missing?
>Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
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