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Comcast now blocking port 80

On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 18:28:06 UTC, John Chambers <jc at> wrote:
> Stephen Ronan wrote:
> |
> | Unfortunately, the Verizon Fios Terms of Service include this:
> |
> | "You may not use the Broadband Service to host any type of server
> | personal or commercial in nature."
> | (
> Hmmm ... Verizon owns the phone wire coming into our house,
> but   we   got   around   this  problem  by  going  through
> for our IP service, and of  course  speakeasy
> promises  to  not  block ports.  I wonder whether you could
> also go through speakeasy to use Verizon's high-speed fibre
> lines?
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I'm sure their lawyers vetted this before they spent ten cents on
roll-out.  This isn' the same as the copper for phone/dsl, so I don't
think the same rules will apply.


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