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Looking for an open source equivalent to Diffzilla

Nancy Van Schooenderwoert wrote:

>I'm mostly using the Kate editor, but I miss having a good visual diff
>tool like "Diffzilla" that comes as part of SlickEdit. Here's a
>description of its capabilities:
>"DIFFzilla allows software developers to view changes between two files,
>directories or directory trees - with feature-rich side-by-side editing
>and color coding capabilities enabled for over 30 programming languages,
>including Java, C/C++, C#, HTML, XML, Unicode and COBOL. DIFFzilla
>fulfills a critical but often limited or missing function within the
>software development lifecycle by allowing developers to view which
>symbols and functions were changed or added in new versions, view what
>changed on each line and merge three versions of a file back into one.
>Unlike most differencing products, DIFFzilla allows developers to edit
>and update files being compared in real time, thereby saving
>considerable development time."
>Can anyone recommend something that is similar?
I went through a similar search a while ago, trying to find an 
equivalent to the proprietary, expensive, but excellent Windows program 
Araxis Merge.  At the time, I couldn't find anything nearly so powerful 
on Linux.  Then I found Kdiff3. 

Kdiff3 is excellent.

Greg Rundlett

randomly selected fortune:

Fear and loathing, my man, fear and loathing.
		-- H.S. Thompson

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