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Compiling a custom kernel vs. compiling a single module.

Can you not set up the tape drivers to compile separately as modules, and 
just use modprobe to load them once the kernel boots? That way, you'll have 
no need to twiddle around with the kernel compile scripts themselves. Of 
course, any support modules that your tape driver may need -- if any -- will 
need to be configured in the kernel.

Then you'll want to edit /etc/modprobe.conf and possibly make some 
changes/additions to /etc/sysconfig so that the module properly loads and is 


On Monday 04 December 2006 06:27, jbk uttered thusly:
> I began to compiling custom kernels a long time ago first
> for the fun of it and to see how small I could make it for
> my purposes. Then I added a tape drive and have been making
> custom Fedora kernels to enable that module.
> Since the Fedora kernel is updated so frequently and enables
> most features I want and the usb devices becoming so wide
> ranging, I no longer want to bother trying to reduce the
> kernel size, but I still need to compile the ide-tape
> module. So, what is the procedure to compile one or two
> additional modules for the running kernel?
> The kernel-devel package is for that purpose. I see when I
> run 'make help' that there is a target called
> '/dir/file.ko'. So do I just run 'make
> /drivers/ide/ide-tape.ko' and then make 'modules install',
> or are there some other steps? What if I want to make three
> or four modules? Do I just separate the different targets
> with a space after make?
> I know I could just try hacking away at it but I am also
> interested in the discussion and any insight others may have.
> Jim K-R

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