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Linux Magazine: Ubuntu vs. Mac OS X

 A Linux Magazine article comparing Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon to Mac OS X Leopard:

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What's a bit different about this review from the typical comparative 
review is that it wasn't written by a journalist that spent a few weeks 
playing around with each - or worse - someone who uses one daily, but 
tried the alternative for a limited time. In this case the author claims 
that he "uses both every day," and that seems to be reflected in the review. 

The review looks at hardware support, installation, ease of use, and 
bundled applications. He concludes with: 

   So does Leopard eat up Ubuntu? Or does Ubuntu trounce Leopard? It 
   depends on your needs. If you're a student with no money, go for a 
   decent cheap PC and put Ubuntu on it. If you value freedom above all 
   else, then it's obvious-- Linux is the only way to go. If you're 
   heading into a future in multimedia, you're gonna want a Mac. If your 
   life revolves around your iPod and your iPhone, you need a Mac. 

   Ideally, though, you'll have both, since each offers features the 
   other lacks. I use both every day. If you have the money, I would 
   recommend buying a Mac with at least 2 GB of RAM and then immediately 
   installing a virtualization solution that will let you run Ubuntu (and 
   Windows, for when you just have to run Windows), as well as any other 
   Linux you desire. 


Tom Metro 
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA 
"Enterprise solutions through open source." 
Professional Profile:

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