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Re: Fetching bootloader from network location

 If you mean you want to be able to do this for a machine that 
doesn't support PXE in its BIOS, then it should be possible 
to PXE-boot from a cdrom, floppy, or usb thumb-drive. 

If you absolutely need to avoid PXE, it should still be 
possible to create bootable media for doing a network boot 
using tftp, dhcp, etc.  I would imagine a PXE-boot CD would 
be simpler, though. 

Jeffrey Finkelstein wrote: 
> I have been charged with the task of determining whether it is 
> possible to boot from a network location without using PXE, and I 
> would like to know if anyone else has any information on the subject. 
> Essentially the task is this: Given a Mandriva boot.iso CD-ROM image, 
> is it possible to edit one of the isolinux.cfg entries so that when a 
> system boots from the disk, the isolinux bootloader fetches another 
> bootloader from a tftp server, essentially chainloading from a network 
> location? I can't seem to find a way to put this sort of thing into 
> action. 
> The best resource I've found for this is a website describing the 
> automatic install process for Mandrakelinux: 
> Has anyone seen anything like this? 
> Cheers, 
> Jeff 

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