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Comcast and Verizon

I would like to get some experiences over time, especially related to TV 
and Internet. I currently have Comcast and I've had a rock solid 
connection for a number of years, with the exception of a recent cable 
issue on my street that would have affected Verizon.

In my case I am getting very good, stable bandwidth well over 30Mbps 
down consistently. I don't recall the upload speeds, but I think it was 
in the neighborhood of 8Mbps.  My phone has been very solid since I 
first switched to Comcast Digital Phone, then Comcast Digital Voice. TV, 
both HD and standard digital has been excellent. I don't do MythTV, so 
clear QAM is not an issue. The only issue I have is that the cable to 
one of the TVs is an old RG59 and should be replaced, but that is not a 
Comcast issue.

So, basically, what I am looking for is reliability, consistent 
bandwidth, as well as TV stuff in comparison to what you had on Comcast. 
For instance, if you had HD on Comcast, is there any difference on the 
same channels using Verizion FIOS. What about non-HD TV. Since FIOS is 
100% digital I'm looking for a comparison of digital-non HD channels. 
Comcast in some markets still sends local channels via analog so there 
is no comparison, but analog is going away eventually in all cable markets.

Jerry Feldman<gaf-mNDKBlG2WHs at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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