Boston Linux & UNIX was originally founded in 1994 as part of The Boston Computer Society. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Building E51.

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Linux at BerkeleyTIP-Global meeting on Sunday April 18 12N-3P, & April 27

Come discuss Linux via VOIP. :)

Hot topics: Ubuntu 10.04, Free Culuture, VOIP, Set up the web server &
mail list & asterisk/freeswitch on the BTIP box with Ubuntu 10.04?

Tues April 27 5-6P VOIP online meeting also.

Join the mail list, tell us what you're interested in.

BLU is a member of BostonUserGroups
BLU is a member of BostonUserGroups
We also thank MIT for the use of their facilities.

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