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can only be used for ranges, like 0-23/2 for hours.  I don't see any
examples in the man pages that use the x/y format with a single number in

If "fourth Monday of the month" would work for you, then you could do that
with a combination of day-of-week and day-of-month.  But if you truly want
"every fourth Monday", you may have to have the crontab call a script
every Monday, which then checks whether it's the fourth Monday (using
touch files or something), and then runs the backup.


On Mon, 31 Dec 2001, jbk wrote:

> I want my full backup script to run every fourth Monday and
> I thought the following sintax would do that, but this
> morning it ran again, this is the second Monday in the
> cycle.
> '15 4 * * 1/4 /etc/backup/backup monday
> >>/var/log/backup/tape.log'
> Does this syntax only work on the HOUR & DAYS_OF_MONTH
> fields? The man page doesn't say.
> The backup script is dependent on the DAY_OF_WEEK field, I
> could change this but it would be two weeks of testing
> again.
> Jim Kelly-Rand
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