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[Discuss] Power consumption

We learn something new every day -

I just installed another stb from Verizon for our FIOS.   I picked up
the DCT700 (wedge-shaped) box, and wanted to measure its power
consumption.   It is connected to an "older" tube tv (13 inch) but
still works well.

Using my kill-o-watt:

The tv drew an average of 58 - 70 watts at any given time while on,
and 5 watts standby (or "off").

The dct700, surprisingly, whether Powered "on" or "off" maintained 15
watts continuous.

In summary, with the tv "off", both devices consumed a total of 20
watts continuous.

They are plugged into a power strip.    The strip, when turned off,
consumes just 1 watt.  Not sure why, but I can live with that compared
to 20 watts.


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