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[Discuss] Wireless router question

On 08/16/2011 10:13 AM, Matt Shields wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Kyle Leslie <fbxxkl at
> <mailto:fbxxkl at>> wrote:
>     My experience has been if you run the same SSID/Security setup but on
>     different channels it works ok.
>     You just have to make sure that the particular channel you select
>     isn't
>     getting a lot of interference.
>     You could try "Wifi Analyzer" (Android app) to scan for
>     interference. Also
>     inSSIDer to scan other wifi networks and channels they run on.
>     On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 9:40 AM, Jerry Feldman <gaf at
>     <mailto:gaf at>> wrote:
>     > I will be running 2 wireless routers in my office configured as
>     > switches. All security will be identical. The question is SSID.
>     Should I
>     > configure the second wireless as the same SSID as the first, or not.
>     > For example, the SSID of the first is FuBar, and the second is
>     either
>     > FuBar or FuBar1. It does not matter which wireless one of our
>     employees
>     > connects to.
>     >
>     > The advantage of using the same SSID is that possibly some wireless
>     > settings on phones and PCs will connect automatically where if
>     it is a
>     > different SSID it may require the encryption key to be entered,
>     which is
>     > a pain with Smartphones.
>     >
>     > --
> I've done the same thing.  One problem I've encountered no matter if
> you use the same SSID is if the person goes from one area to another,
> but can still pickup the radio of the distant WIFI, then it won't
> always switch to the stronger signal on the closer channel (or
> different SSID if  your using another one).  It would be nice to know
> if there was a way to tell theOS to always pick the WIFI with the
> stronger signal.
Ok, thanks. Right now I've got 2 different SSIDs set up. I have not
fully tested it yet. They are both on different channels.

Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
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