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[Discuss] mysql mystery

The mystery deepens... I converted the column of type double to a type 
varchar(16) and I still get a null result when I query the column... uggg...

On 08/20/2011 12:56 PM, Stephen Adler wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've run into a problem with mysql/php. I have a table in which one of 
> the columns is defined as a double. The problem is that when I fetch 
> the contents of that column from my php script, the value gets nulled 
> out. Doing a sql query from the command line mysql tool returns a non 
> null decimal number, but that same query returns a nulled value in 
> php. The columns defined as integers works fine and of course the 
> string type columns work fine as well. Any ideas?
> thanks. Steve.
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