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[Discuss] How do rack vendors compare?

On 09/22/2011 01:51 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm looking to install some basic 19" racks in my house/basement to make
> it easier to mount some of my home networking equipment, including about
> 200 wire terminations for ethernet, cable, and phone, and a couple
> computers (e.g. MythTV and such).
> Does anyone have any good (or anti-) recommendations for inexpensive
> four-post racks?  Tripp Lite?  Intellinet?
> Also, are there any good guides or how-tos where I can learn how to
> lay out my room?
> -derek
We put in a rack from CableTalk
These are the components. There are 2 side doors with keys and no front
or back. I don't use the cable manager or the ladder vertical manager.
All  of our computers fit into the rack with no problems with the rails.
The only issue is the mounting bolts for the rails that are a real pain
no matter what rack you have. Our rack is probably a bit high for your
needs. Any time you want to stop by, feel free as we are adjacent to the
T's Riverside terminal. Additionally, you might find some rack hardware
for sale locally. The rack shipped with plenty of bolts, many of which
are somewhere under the rack now :-)
1 x CTC3-2436-B Frame 24" X 36" X 83"
1 x CTC-48-K-24CAB Castor Kit
2 x CTC3-30-11PF-B 36" Perforated Side Panels for 83" rack
2 x CTC3-CMS-33-B Ladder Vertical Manager
1 x CTC3-MA-22C-B 19" EIA Mounting Angles
1 x CTH-CMS-2FM-B Horizontal Cable Manager

Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix
PGP key id:3BC1EB90 
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