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[Discuss] email privacy/security

Just figure that someone can or could read/see anything if it goes
over an 'out of house' network.
If it isn't something you want your spooks and grandmother to
read/see, don't do it over the net.

Anything less gives opportunities for security leaks.

There are some folks that don't understand that.  I know of people
that have made facebook posts that only 'friends' can see and got
fired for it.  Not degrading or demeaning, not naming names, but still
it happens.

There is only one secure IP based network I know of that still brags
'never been cracked'.  You can buy access to it, it is the
network.  They are based in Belgium, but network is world wide and
highly secure.  They are like the 'FedWire' of the US Federal Reserve
for the EU, and do have nodes world wide at banks but also have secure
connections (VPNs) they do for commercial intersts.

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