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[Discuss] ssd's in linux

I found having 'enough ram', don't configure swap, or swap to a
non-ssd device, and set the 'no access time' flag for any file systems
in the device and it will make your machine scream.  Also, it can
prolong life if you remove all 'time' variables, other than 'create
time' on your file systems.  Consider turning off 'all' logging.

Oh, for me 'enough ram' is either all the machine can hold or all I
can afford, and as fast as the machine will usefully handle (no reason
to put 2ns ram if 50ns is all the hardware will handle, etc).

If you run Linux, it uses 'extra ram' for caching by default.
Possibly changing that ratio can help by allowing it to keep more
programs in memory and less 'pre-emptive' file system caching.  I
forgot the switches for this, but they can be found without to much

Most of the other warnings about 'don't install what you don't need'
and 'remove unused components' still make sense to keep a screaming
beast's volume tuned up and loud.

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