Boston Linux & UNIX was originally founded in 1994 as part of The Boston Computer Society. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month, online, via Jitsi Meet.

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[Discuss] protecting kids online

On 2/5/2014 12:00 PM, Eric Chadbourne wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have two nieces (7&  9) with shiny new android tablets.  I've looked
> at various browser plugins and apps but nothing really stood out to me
> that would effectively block adult content and was no cost.  The couple
> of things I tried seem pretty easy to get around.  Anybody have any
> suggestions?

If you are able to limit their use to a fixed location, i.e., to their 
home, you can take these steps:

1. Assign fixed IP addresses to the tablets, and leave out the gateway.
2. Put in Squid at a Linux firewall, with port 80 and 443 limited to 
internal access only from Squid, and appropriate access controls.
3. Point the tablets browsers to the Squid proxy.

If your nieces need to have access outside the home, you can still set 
up their browser to use a proxy at their house. You'll need to find a 
way to keep the kids from changing the settings.


Bill Horne
William Warren Consulting

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