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[Discuss] Why use Linux?


If the audience were the general public, I'd agree with you.  But given 
that the audience is Drupal developers at a Drupal conference in Los 
Angeles, I don't think it's unreasonable to want to inform those who 
don't already know about the history and philosophy behind Free 
Software.  After all, much of Drupal's success is because it's Free 

Also, Micky's a personal friend, so I was suggesting to her that she 
"familiarize herself with Stallman's article 'Why Open Source misses the 
point of Free Software'".  I didn't necessarily mean for her to include 
all the details in her presentation.  There wouldn't be enough time for 
that anyway.  But if she reads and understands those articles, she'll be 
much better prepared to answer questions and carry on knowledgeable 
conversations with people who might approach her after her talk.


On 2/11/2014 8:23 AM, Kent Borg wrote:
> On 02/11/2014 04:47 AM, MBR wrote:
> > [...]
> > might be best if you were to call it "GNU/Linux" rather than "Linux" 
> and explain why
> > [...]
> > The essence of Free Software, as articulated by RMS (Richard M.
> > Stallman) who invented the concept and founded the FSF
> > [...]
> > really ought to familiarize yourself with Stallman's article "Why
> > Open Source misses the point of Free Software
> > [...]
> I would suggest going easy on the political content lest it look like 
> you are recruiting for a political party.
> If you have a clear preference on these questions, go ahead and be 
> true to your opinions, use your preferred terminology and perspective. 
> But don't scare away your audience by fighting an internecine battle 
> with the wrong people. Whether it is "Linux" or "GNU/Linux" is a 
> trivial point in the face of "it isn't Microsoft"!
> Certainly explain that open source software is quite different from 
> proprietary software, that the source code is available to anyone, 
> that it is more secure, offers more control to users who are 
> interested, doesn't have upgrade treadmills of forced obsolescence, 
> etc. But don't expect your audience to appreciate philosophical 
> subtleties within the community when they aren't so sure they have any 
> interest listening in the first place.

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