Boston Linux & UNIX was originally founded in 1994 as part of The Boston Computer Society. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month, online, via Jitsi Meet.

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[Discuss] Why use Linux?

On Wed, 2014-02-12 at 15:52 -0500, Richard Pieri wrote:
> Ideology is all well and good but at the 
> end of the day it doesn't get the job done.


Ideology is just a description of the ideals, sorted according to
priority and often references the most important in that instance.

Getting the job done is an ideology, which according to your logic "is
all well and good but doesn't get the job done". Which sounds illogical,
because it's nonsense.

What you mean to say is "The ideal of short term job being done is more
important to me than my or client freedom or long term growth of

I don't mean to suggest your ideology or priority is wrong. It might be
more right. But you shouldn't just bash ideologies other than your own
by excluding your own from the definition and then debasing.

*Sometimes* some Free Software will imped your short term job; but
that's not because the ideology of Free Software is faulty. It's just a
product of momentum and popularity. Popular and fast moving free
software exists and is extremely potent: And it's strong because it's
Free Software not despite it.

It will be even stronger with your support though.

Martin Owens

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