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[Discuss] Fwd: Ubuntu One file services

Cloud services are convenient for backups, and for making content accessible to the public or to yourself when you're away from the home and/or office. But I prefer to maintain the master copies on my own personal servers, and in an open format. 

I upload my photos to Flickr, but my master photo archive is on my freenas server at home, with a php photo gallery interface that I wrote myself. I wrote my own media center as a perl cgi script, where the Postgres database is refreshed nightly by a set of cron jobs running find(1) or locate(1) on all my servers that contain ripped DVDs, to compile the lists of video files and metadata files and load them into the database. I sync my gmail account to a dovecot server at home. I maintain contact info in openldap on a server at home, and export from there to my iPad and iPod. Before the iPad and iPod, I used to export from openldap to my palm pilot. 

On Apr 12, 2014, at 11:08 AM, David Kramer <david at> wrote:

> You know, just Thursday I was talking in another group I'm on the Board
> of about the dangers of using free services from other companies for
> mission-critical things like meetings and backlogs.  Google drops
> services or removes functionality quite often.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject:    Ubuntu One file services
> From:    Ubuntu One <noreply at>
> To:    david at
> Hi,
> We are writing to you to notify you that we will be shutting down the
> Ubuntu One file services, effective 1 June 2014. This email gives
> information about the closure and what you should expect during the
> shutdown process.
> As of today, it will no longer be possible to purchase storage or music
> from the Ubuntu One store. The Ubuntu One file services apps in the Ubuntu,
> Google, and Apple stores will be updated appropriately.
> As always, your content belongs to you.  You can simply download your files
> onto your PC or an external hard drive.  While the service will stop as of
> 1 June, you will have an additional two months (until 31 July 2014) to
> collect all of your content. After that date, all remaining content will
> be deleted.
> If you have an active annual subscription, the unused portion of your fees
> will be refunded. The refund amount will be calculated from today's
> announcement.
> We know you have come to rely on Ubuntu One, and we apologise for the
> inconvenience this closure may cause.  We've always been inspired by the
> support, feedback and enthusiasm of our users and want to thank you for
> the support you've shown for Ubuntu One. We hope that you'll continue to
> support us as together we bring a revolutionary experience to new devices.
> The Ubuntu One team
> _______________________________________________
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss at

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