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[Discuss] Boston Linux Meeting reminder, tomorrow, May 21, 2014 OpenStack from Scratch, Part II

When:  May 21, 2014 7PM (6:30PM for Q&A)
Topic: OpenStack from Scratch, Part II
Moderator:Federico Lucifredi
Location: MIT Building E-51, Room 315

### Please note that Wadsworth St. is still closed.
### Proceed West on Memorial Drive to Ames St. Ames will be
### 2-way during construction. Take a right onto Ames and another right
### onto Amherst.

Part 2 of Federico's discussion of OpenStack

OpenStack is a free and open-source software cloud computing platform.
It is primarily deployed as an infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
solution. The technology consists of a series of interrelated projects
that control pools of processing, storage, and networking resources
throughout a data center, able to be managed or provisioned through a
web-based dashboard, command-line tools, or a RESTful API. It is
released under the terms of the Apache License.

OpenStack began in 2010 as a joint project of Rackspace Hosting and
NASA, and is currently managed by the OpenStack Foundation, a non-profit
corporate entity established in September 2012 to promote OpenStack
software and its community.[4] More than 200 companies have joined the
project, including Arista Networks, AT&T, AMD, Canonical, Cisco, Dell,
EMC, Ericsson, Go Daddy, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Intel, NEC, NetApp,
Nexenta, Red Hat, SUSE Linux, VMware, Oracle and Yahoo!.

The OpenStack community collaborates around a six-month, time-based
release cycle with frequent development milestones. During the planning
phase of each release, the community gathers for the OpenStack Design
Summit to facilitate developer working-sessions and to assemble plans.
The most recent OpenStack Summit, in November 2013 in Hong Kong, drew
3,000 attendees.

About Federico Lucifredi

    Federico Lucifredi is the maintainer of the man suite, the primary
documentation-delivery tool under Linux, a graduate of Boston College
and Harvard University, and the Ubuntu Advantage Product Manager at
Canonical. As a software engineer-turned-manager at the Novell
corporation, Federico was part of the SUSE Linux team for five years,
overseeing the update stack of a 150 million dollar maintenance
business. Previously, Federico has been a CIO and a network software
architect at technology and embedded Linux startups, and he has spent
two years teaching in Boston University's graduate and undergraduate
programs, while simultaneously consulting for MIT. He is a frequent
speaker at user group and conference events, notably the Linux
Foundation's LinuxCon, LinuxWorld, the O'Reilly Open Source Convention,
and the IMPlanet conferences, where he was a panelist representing the
Jabber community. Federico is a recognized expert in computing
performance issues, and consults pro-bono with Standard and Poor's
clients interested in Free/Open Source Software technical and strategic
issues. He participated in the GPL v3 drafting process in the
large-corporation panel.

For further information and directions please consult the BLU Web site
Please note that there is usually plenty of free parking in the E-51
parking lot at 2 Amherst St, or directly on Amherst St.

After the meeting we will adjourn to the official after meeting meeting
location at The Cambridge Brewing Company

Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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