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[Discuss] DMARC issue, Yahoo and beyond

Richard Pieri wrote:
> You are incorrect. When the Reply-To field is set then all replies use
> the Reply-To field contents for the new To field. This is unexpected
> when reply to list would otherwise use the list's address. This is
> unexpected when reply to all would otherwise use all addresses in the
> original From and To fields.

NB: I know that Gnus can be made to act the way Derek describes because
I wrote a custom Reply-To handler to deal with lists that munged
Reply-To fields. It or something like it may be in the main line Gnus code.

Seamonkey is inconsistent: if there is a Reply-To field of any sort then
reply to all ignores it in favor of the list headers (I think) but if
there is none then reply to all fills in To and Cc fields with the From
and To fields of the original. And in the case of the Reply-To being the
same as the From it leaves the To field empty (at least in the tests I
just did; YMMV).

I don't know about any of you but I don't see how these inconsistent
behaviors can be even remotely described in terms like "absolutely no

Also, apologies for what I did with my previous message: I set the
Reply-To to my own mailbox to demonstrate some of these inconsistencies.

Rich P.

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