Boston Linux & UNIX was originally founded in 1994 as part of The Boston Computer Society. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month, online, via Jitsi Meet.

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[Discuss] Https - the solution to net neutrality

> From: at [mailto:discuss-
> at] On Behalf Of Chuck Anderson
> If they broke the contract, take then to small claims court.

That was 2-3 years ago, they technically didn't break the contract because they WROTE the contract with all the legalese to protect themselves (AKA they explicitly state that channel availability may change), which I had no choice about, because my options were:  Take it, or Leave it.  "This is the same contract everyone else signs.  It's non-negotiable."  I could choose between VZ or Comcast, which is more choice than some people get.

Plus it would have cost me more than $425 to go to small claims court, in terms of wasted time.  I might lose.  And even if I win, where does that leave me?  VZ surely won't sell service to the guy who just finished suing them.

Sorry I disagree.  The small claims court idea is a bad idea.

*Additionally* once about 11 years ago I took a crooked used car dealer to small claims court, and I won.  (He had overcharged my account and refused to refund.)  And then after I won, he refused to refund anyway.  And I had no further legal recourse, because the dollar amount was too small to put a lien on his property.  So I guess effectively he won.  That system simply doesn't work unless both parties agree to it.

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