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[Discuss] Finance software for Linux

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 2:56 PM, Rich Braun <richb at> wrote:
> [lots about personal finance software]

First a confession, I don't use any personal finance software.  I view
my statements regularly, but don't do any reconciliation of accounts
and I have an accountant do my taxes...

While I can understand how Tax software needs constant updates, it is
less clear to me why personal finance software would need this.   The
only changes that I can imagine would be needed on a frequent base
would be for automated inputing of statements from outside parties.
It would seem to me that some kind of plugin/filter system which
allowed users to write data input modules might help to spread the
effort around.  Perhaps something like the system used in the Zotero
bibliography package which understands many data layouts because it
makes it easy for users to write and distribute import/export plugins.
  Perhaps I'm missing something?

Bill Bogstad

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