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[Discuss] - Linux Conference in New Zealand

Thanks for posting... looks really useful.  Now to find time to watch.

Greg Rundlett

On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 3:39 AM, Tom Metro <tmetro+blu at> wrote:

> I ran across mention on Twitter that there is a Linux conference
> happening in New Zealand right now, and it looks like they are
> publishing all of their sessions on YouTube, plus a live stream:
> YouTube channel:
> I've only sampled a portion of a video, but the quality seemed good
> (intelligible audio and decent video) and many of the topics sounded
> intriguing. Here are some talk titles:
> Keynote: Linus Torvalds
> SD Cards and filesystems for Embedded Systems
> Hacking 3D Printers
> Building Services in Go
> A CoreOS Tutorial
> Software Patents: Trolls and Other Bullies
> Advanced Linux Server-Side Threats: How they work and what you can do
>   about them
> Flying with Linux (drones)
> When Your Codebase Is Nearly Old Enough To Vote
> Open Source Protocols and Architectures to Fix the Internet of Things
> Getting More Out Of System Suspend In Linux
> REST APIs and the Return of the Console App
> PostgreSQL Replication Tutorial
> Bashing the Shell: Advanced Scripting
> Juju Deployments at Canonical
> Introducing OpenStack Swift
> Deploying OpenStack Using Containers
> The Free Ride: How to Road-Test Automotive Linux on Your Own
> Why you should consider using btrfs ... like Google does.
> The Democratisation of Radio (Software Defined Radio)
> Getting More Out Of System Suspend In Linux
> Deploying to the cloud with golden images, Heat and Docker
> Tales from the Trenches: Battling Browser Bugs for "Fun" and
>   (Non-)Profit
> Reverse engineering embedded software using Radare2
> IPMI - because ACPI and UEFI weren't terrifying enough
> Seems like a good mix of topics covering programing, devops, hardware
> hacking, legal (copyright, patents, taxes), etc.
> Over 100 videos posted in just 2 days.
>  -Tom
> --
> Tom Metro
> The Perl Shop, Newton, MA, USA
> "Predictable On-demand Perl Consulting."
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