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[Discuss] NFS mounts

Thank you, very much appreciated.

     On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 10:58 AM, Dan Ritter <dsr at> wrote:

 On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 02:22:50PM +0000, aldo albanese wrote:
> on a similar topic, I'm trying to mount an nfs drive to a linux box. ?I'm learning and reading about nfs and mounting but each article I read they mention a different way to do it. ?I would like to mount QNAP NAS drive to the Ubuntu VMserver in which in the directory there are real time stream files from HDHomerun (a TV Verizon box that stream tv in real time). The mounting would need to be permanent. in one article someone suggested to use TCP instead in the syntax instead of UDP. ?Could someone please help me with the syntax of it?
> Thanks,Aldo

In /etc/fstab:

hostname:/share? ? /local/mountpoint? ? nfs4? ? ro 1? ? ? 1


hostname:/share??? ? ? /local/mountpoint??? nfs ro,tcp,rsize=1048576 1 1

Assuming a readonly mount for large media files.

man nfs is your friend.



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