Boston Linux & UNIX was originally founded in 1994 as part of The Boston Computer Society. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month, online, via Jitsi Meet.

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[Discuss] Request to the community

Hello Boston Linux Community!

I am looking for three software developers who would be willing to discuss
their experiences writing and developing open source software products.
The conversation will take about 30 minutes and I will be asking about the
differences between open source and proprietary software development.  This
is not a job interview nor is it a sales/marketing pitch.  I will not ask
you to discuss anything that is proprietary or personal.

Why am I doing this?  I recently applied for a Product Manager position at
a company that develops open source products.  They like my skills and
background but asked that I get a better understanding of how the Open
Source development process really works.  The best way to move up the
learning curve is to talk to people who have the actual experience.

Please e-mail me directly if you are interested.  I cannot offer you any
compensation but I will buy you a round of wings and beer should I land
this position.

Best regards,


Bruce Wolfeld
brw917 at

BLU is a member of BostonUserGroups
BLU is a member of BostonUserGroups
We also thank MIT for the use of their facilities.

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