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[Discuss] memory management

At work I have a version that does. I'll post that tomorrow.

On 06/21/2015 09:18 AM, Bill Bogstad wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 1:10 PM, Jerry Feldman <gaf at 
> <mailto:gaf at>> wrote:
>     You can override its behavior my modifying the desktop file
>     (/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop in Gnome 3)
>     The statement 'Exec=firefox %u' is the line to modify.
>     You could place your modified copy in ~/.local/share/applications
>     I have not tried this, but it should work.
>     Instead of su -, use 'sudo -u <user> firefox', and update
>     /etc/sudoers not to require a password for this.
>     For instance:
>     you <user> = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/firefox
> I use multiple Firefox user profiles instead.   Some of them allow 
> cookies/javascript and others do not.
> This probably doesn't help memory usage, but it does allow some 
> (small?) security benefits.
> I'm curious though, how this other user account gains access to your X 
> server.   Allowing other
> user ids to write on your screen/capture key & mouse events seem to me 
> to be a potential issue.
> Bill Bogstad

Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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