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[Discuss] sandboxing web browsers

So your point is that some developers create piss-poor Docker deployments,
and therefore Docker is a piece of shit?. That logic could be applied to
any development system. I've seen plenty of piss-poor coding done in perl,
python, C, Fortran, and every other language I've ever reviewed.

That fact that an incompetent buffoon can misuse a tool to create badly
designed software does not mean that it's impossible for a skilled
programmer to use the tool correctly to create well-designed software.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 10:40 AM, Richard Pieri <richard.pieri at>

> On 6/21/2015 10:38 PM, Tom Metro wrote:
>> The Docker daemon runs as root. If the non-privileged user starting FF
>> is put in the docker group and allowed to start any container, then yes,
>> they have root. If instead a SetUID script or sudo rule is used to
>> launch a specific container, which does not launch a root shell, then
>> the resulting container and FF process won't have root privileges.
> Docker requires root to initialize containers. It's how Docker was
> designed. It's a known design flaw and the Docker folks have gone on record
> stating that they don't intend to fix it. So, if you're going to let me
> start Docker containers then I will be able to elevate myself to root on
> the host. The only way to stop me is not to let me start Docker containers
> at all.
>  Docker does not work "perfectly well" in the first place in my experience.
>> That may very well be your experience. But some of us use it daily and
>> find that it does the intended job.
> FSVO "intended". My experience is that developers have been using Docker
> to rationalize piss-poor deployment practices. It doesn't matter to them if
> their run time environments are utter hell for users to recreate, just put
> it all in a container and copy the hell everywhere.
> One most egregious example that I've had to deal with, a project called
> ShareLaTeX, their environments are so bad that their containers are the
> only supported way of deploying. So bad that their containers don't work
> outside of their own environments.
> --
> Rich P.
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