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[Discuss] weird disk issues

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 11:25:32AM -0400, Stephen Adler wrote:
> Recently I have had a rash of disk failures on my home server. One of
> them was an SSD 120G drive, a Samsung EVO 840. Then a seagate drive.
> The this which is puzzling me is that I have all my drives tied into
> raid arrays of various sorts in order to protect myself from disk
> failures. But the odd thing is that when I have my disk failures, it
> affect more than one drive in the array knocking out the whole raid
> array.
> what I've had to do is boot up using a live fedora image and then issue
> mdadm commands to restore the array. In one case, it was only one disk
> which was bad in the array, even though 2 disk's were kicked out. I had
> to reassemble the array to get it back up in degraded mode, after which
> replacing the one drive got it back up. In another case, two SSD drives
> went out, killing my raid 1 array (mirror mode). Again, mdadm'ing
> getting it back, and only replacing one SSD drive got the system going.
> Then again last night, my SSD raid 1 array kicked both drives out, but
> I was able to reassemble it without replacing drives.
> All this has occurred within one week! I've owned the system for like 7
> years and never a glitch, until now.
> So, is it really the drives? could it be my motherboard or SATA
> controller on the motherboard is going bad? Bad power supply? Should I
> consider replacing the motherboard? Or am I just having a bad raid
> week?

7 year old system? I would consider the power supply and the
SATA controller prime for replacement, and also replace the SATA
cables - they're cheap.


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