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[Discuss] Profiting from GPL software

On Wed, 11 Nov 2015 21:16:57 -0500, Rich Pieri wrote:
> On 11/11/2015 8:09 PM, John Abreau wrote:
>> Then, on closer examination, you found that the GPL was cleverly designed
>> to prevent people like you from taking unfair advantage of their work like
>> that, and now you're carrying around a chip on your shoulder full of sour
>> grapes.
> Oh, yes. It's so fair that GPL software takes from BSD and BSD gets nothing in return because the BSD licenses don't carry the distribution requirements that the GPL mandates.

BSD-license users have already decided that they're OK with others
being able to use their software without contributing back.  The same
thing happens if people put BSD-licensed software into their
proprietary software: the licensor never gets anything back.  So why
is it any worse if someone takes BSD code and puts it into GPL
software than if they put it into proprietary software?  If you're
unhappy with this situation, then you shouldn't be using the BSD
license at all; you should be using a license that imposes a
reciprocal obligation.  If you're happy with it, there's not a
problem.  If you're happy with your code being put into proprietary
software without any kind of compensation, but not with it put into
GPL (or copyleft in general), then I have to wonder just what your
priorities really are.

> I'm pretty sure I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that if BSD just relicensed under the GPL then this wouldn't be a problem.

No, there simply isn't a problem at all unless somebody decides to
make it one.
Robert Krawitz                                     <rlk at>

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