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[Discuss] BLU Desktop GNU/Linux SIG Meeting - BitCoin - Weds, Dec 2, 2015
- Subject: [Discuss] BLU Desktop GNU/Linux SIG Meeting - BitCoin - Weds, Dec 2, 2015
- From: willrico at (Will Rico)
- Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 07:02:04 -0500
When: Wednesday, December 2, 6:30 - 8:30PM Location Akamai, 150 Broadway (8 Cambridge Center), Cambridge, MA Directions Also easily accessibly by T. Notes 1) Please note the location is different from BLU's standard MIT meeting location. 2) Akamai has generously agreed to provide space and 'free as in food' for this meeting. Thank you to our sponsor! 3) RSVP is not required, but helps me plan food. You can RSVP by emailing me or RSVP'ing on Summary Curious about Bitcoin? Already using Bitcoin and want to learn more or meet other users of the currency? We are delighted to have Albert Willis as our presenter for this exciting topic. About BitCoin _______________________________________________ Announce mailing list Announce at
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