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[Discuss] Duplicate entries in Gnu PG

I just used grep as an example. I wrote a quick script to delete all
keys in my keyring other than those I owned. The result was that I had 4
keys left. 2 older keys, and the 2 duplicated keys including the
subkeys. I subsequently restored the keyring because there were some
trusted keys from key signings.

On 02/02/2016 03:40 PM, Derek Martin wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 10:51:18AM -0500, Jerry Feldman wrote:
>> My primary key appears to be duplicated in my GnuPG keyring. I can
>> manually encrypt and decrypt keys.
>> [gaf at gaf ~]$ gpg --list-keys | grep B7F14F2F
>> pub   4096R/B7F14F2F 2014-09-15 [expires: 2017-09-14]
>> pub   4096R/B7F14F2F 2014-09-15 [expires: 2017-09-14]
> Seems like a bug...  However, the trouble with grep is that it filters
> out much additional context--and sometimes the extra context matters,
> in ways you didn't necessarily realize beforehand.  This is an idea I
> often find myself reiterating to certain support folks over and
> over... ;-)
> If you view the full entries for those keys, does that reveal anything
> interesting (different)?  Just remove the pipe and the grep from your
> command line, and it should show you just that key.
> If that only lists your key once, pipe to less instead, and search for
> your key ID.  If need be (say, because the entries are not close to
> each other in the output) you can copy the full entries to a file to
> compare them, or something.
> -- 
> Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at>
> Boston Linux and Unix
> PGP key id:B7F14F2F
> PGP Key fingerprint: D937 A424 4836 E052 2E1B  8DC6 24D7 000F B7F1 4F2F

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