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[Discuss] ssh keys question

Kent Borg <kentborg at> writes:
>>      passwd_timeout    Number of minutes before the sudo password 
>> prompt times out, or 0 for no timeout. The timeout may include a 
>> fractional
>>                        component if minute granularity is 
>> insufficient, for example 2.5.  The default is 0.
> I want 0 to mean timeout immediately, not timeout never! If people want 
> never let them put 999999 in there and let their heirs deal with the  
> eventual timeout.
> Guess I could try 0.0000001

If the password prompt timed out immediately how would you type in your
password? I think you mean to be discussing the other timeout option,
timestamp_timeout. Zero there gives you always ask for a password

I like very much having 0 to never timeout the password prompt. It's
annoying to come back to a build and find that make worked but make
install quietly failed after sudo timed out waiting for a response.
Especially bad in things like CPAN where it might fly by and move on to
something else without you seeing it.

Mike Small
smallm at

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