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[Discuss] best way to automount removable SATA drives

On 07/03/2016 11:36 AM, Rich Pieri wrote:
> Hot plug SATA isn't intended for frequent swapping. It's there for
> servers that need to occasionally swap out failed devices without full
> shutdowns. If you intend to swap drives frequently then use USB or
> eSATA. These were designed with frequent swapping in mind. udev will
> have something to say about USB drives. It may have something to say
> about eSATA drives if the eSATA controller is capable of informing the
> kernel of changes. My N40L's controller is not so I have to tell the
> kernel to scan the SCSI interfaces when I swap drives:
>    for host in /sys/class/scsi_host/*; do
>      echo "- - -" >/sys/class/scsi_host/`basename ${host}`/scan
>    done
> and to detach an eSATA device (where the device is "sdf" in this example):
>    echo "1" >/sys/block/sdf/device/delete
> But for SATA drives? Just leave them plugged in with their spindown
> times set to something reasonable so that they aren't spinning unless
> they're in use (hdparm). Maybe have the backup drive mounted and
> unmounted explicitly by the backup system.
Thanks Rich,

Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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