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[Discuss] Systemd & not Re: I, uh, deleted the wrong kernel....

Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at> writes:
>> The only thing I kind of dislike about slackware is the directory
>> structure in the 64 bit version. Libraries go into /lib64 and
>> /usr/lib64.  Obviously this is a pretty petty criticism, but not really
>> needing multilib I find it annoying to have these directory names. I
>> prefer OpenBSD's approach, which is to not bother with multilib and have
>> simple expected names like /usr/lib and /lib.
> Fedora  and RHEL are the same way. That is because they fully support
> both 64-bit and 32 bit libraries and applications.

And Debian/Ubuntu too, though I almost like their solution better even
though it's actually more complex.  It just seems backward looking to do
the rename on the 64 bit directory. I guess in 2006 or whenever it
probably seemed reasonable, but in retrospect lib32 for x86 and lib for
x86_64 would have made a lot more sense.

Like a lot of things in Linux, for the sake of someone who needs a
feature you have this added piece of clutter/complexity you may
eventually need to become aware of that you would never hit on a simpler
less feature laden O/S. (But of course if you actually need to run 64
bit and 32 bit processes side by side OpenBSD's answer of, "if you need
32 bit install the 32 version of the O/S," might be frustrating, at
least until they finish the vm hypervisor they've started maybe.)

Mike Small
smallm at

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