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[Discuss] Link checker / Inventory

And I just found the 'database' tool that I've used before: ht://Check

Greg Rundlett

On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 9:53 AM, Greg Rundlett (freephile) <
greg at> wrote:

> It's been a long time since I've run a link check on a website, so I
> forget the tools I've used in the past. I know I've used the W3C link
> checker (which you can install
> locally)  But there was another tool which I can't recall that stores
> results into a database which you can then use to view various reports on
> your content such as 404 links sorted by most references.
> Some quick Googling reveals:
> Anyone have a good link checker to recommend?
> Greg Rundlett

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