Boston Linux & UNIX was originally founded in 1994 as part of The Boston Computer Society. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month, online, via Jitsi Meet.

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[Discuss] deadmanish login?

On February 5, 2017, Kent Borg wrote:
>...on the day you might be run over by a beer truck, do you want your 
>spouse to have access to your accounts?

Try storing your passwords in a safety deposit box. Choose to do this

1. On paper, or

2. In a plain text file on a CD or USB key, or

3. Encrypted with a GnuPG key that has an empty passphrase (which even a spouse
can remember :-))

This approach won't protect your passwords from a mastermind criminal,
but in the other 99.99% of cases it should be fine. Better than
causing your spouse no end of grief.

While you've got the safety deposit box open, add a complete backup of
your important files. Refresh the backup on a regular schedule.

Dan Barrett
dbarrett at

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