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[Discuss] deadmanish login?

On 2/10/2017 10:44 PM, John Byrnes wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> On Sat, Feb 04, 2017 at 09:31:59AM -0500, Bill Horne wrote:
>> Thread hijack, sorry.
>> Readers please state your preferences for Keepass, Password Safe, or other programs/methods for storing passwords.
> I keep my gpg encrypted passwords in a passwordstore [1] git
> repository. It's available on Linux and Android. I keep my GPG keys on a
> Yubikey Neo with NFC. This allows usage on NFC enabled Android
> phones. Synchronization is easy with git.
> [1]

Thank you, John: that looks very interesting, especially since it offers 
Chrome and Firefox plugins, which I assume work on windoze machines 
although I haven't read the whole doc file yet.

Frankly, I think that having an unencrypted list of passwords in a .txt 
file would be better than using the same password on multiple sites, so 
any program that allows me to have well-protected password storage would 
be worth the work of synchronizing the files across platforms when a 
password changes, but I'm wondering what you all think about the 
algorithms currently being used to encrypt retained passwords in those 
browsers, and if pass is harder to crack/easier to use/more 
wholesome/less filling.

Thanks in advance!

Bill Horne

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